Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

How to Install Ruby on Rails on Windows

After we know, what Ruby on Rails is. Now, it’s time to know how to install them, in particular on windows environment. It asumme that you have installed MySQL on your machine.

This guide is for begginer who want to get started with rails. However, it’s only for rails 3.0. It may not working at prior rails version. As note, Ruby 1.9.1 is not useable because it outright segmentation fault on rails 3.0. so you have to use 1.9.x jump on 1.9.2 for smooth execution. Find the latest ruby for windows installer

1. Installing Ruby

After downloding ruby package, just one click exe file to run it and follow the instruction. If everythings have no problem, check path via command prompt by type “ruby –v” or “ruby --version”. You can see like on screen bellow.

2. Installing Rails

Usually go to ruby bin directory type “gem install rails” on the command prompt.

After all, create a directory for the next all your projects. You can put the folder on “c:\ruby/nameproject” and run “rails new nameproject1”, name’s projects are up to you

You will see on your command prompt screen like this:

Finally, type “cd myproject1” on command prompt and to run rails, type “rails server” or “rails s”. Test the web server by typing http://localhost:3000 on your browser.

If everything run well, welcome aboard appear on your browser:

Congratulation You have installed Rails!

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